I always remind myself to be teachable. Being teachable can produce a heap of beneficial results. We don’t know a lot of things. We are not Mr. and Ms. Know It All. It’s stupid if we are labeled this way.
Whether I am taught by ten to twenty years younger than me or even by seemingly inexperienced human beings, I still follow their advices or teachings. They could be right. But lately, I discovered that being teachable has also its downsides. It cost our football team a defeat.
One of my teammate, younger than me for about eighteen years, but he plays very good, he gave me an advice on what for a goalkeeper to do during a penalty shootout. I don’t have to elaborate what that tip was. I still followed since I have not tried it before.
I conceded four goals when I could have blocked one or two. The other shot went wide.
Still I will always be teachable.
Below, me on red jersey playing goalkeeper.