Facts About Men

Alright. This is a generalization, meaning more than 50 percent of the cognizant and matured (or the lack of it) male population are into it.


  1. Men are always the culprit of broken marriages. You have to be suspicious of a guy who came out of a broken relationship.

  2. Men indulge in extra-marital affairs (Did I say more than 50 percent?).

  3. Men are dissatisfied with just one girlfriend.

  4. Men like to flirt with other women and at times to effeminate men :).

  5. Men are better shoppers than women. Men like to literally bring a list while shopping; women keep the list in their minds, and their not good at it.

  6. Men look at the breast, then the face and vice versa.

  7. Men always forget anniversaries; they’re busy thinking about important things, such as work, the poverty, and how they can contribute to the peace to all mankind.

  8. Men are not good at housework, and again their good at more important things such as work, the poverty, and how they can contribute to the peace to all mankind.

  9. Men’s other name is Tom. Men like to peep at holes (Did I say more than 50 percent?).

  10. Men are superior to women when it comes to doing work done mostly by women. Cosmetics, dressmaking etc.


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